Enterprise View Point

by-Jagdip Kumar, -CIO, Cosmo Films
Digitisation is shaping businesses and reducing conventional ways of structuring and conducting them. In a... more>>
by-Thiagarajan N, -Director - IT, IMI Critical Engineering
Introduction Industry 4.0 is the topic very popular today because of its big influence on manufacturing.... more>>
Internet of Things: the next Big Bang of Technology
The tsunami of inter connectivity among all of the objects, from door locks to toll booths, from refrigerators to smart phones, coffeemakers, cars and lamps to anything, has led... more>>
How is IOT emerging as next technology mega trend to transform our future?
Ever since man started harnessing nature and other elements around him to create ‘things’ which were essentially tools and then evolved into devices and machines, to... more>>
How will Automation disrupt the market place and industry?
Institute of Robotic process automation (IRPA) describes Robotic process automation (RPA)as the application of technology that allows employees in a company to configure... more>>
Enterprise Information Technology in 2020
Enterprise information technology is facing unprecedented change due to the morphing workforce and pervasive digitization, as it moves squarely into the 21st century. Soon there will be five generations of employees working... more>>
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