In the boarder banking context, recent mind-boggling advancements in Technology have been hugely impressive. However, on the flip side, has been a reduction in profitability of banks, with the Asian banks’ average Return on Equity trailing that all other regions except for Europe as of 2016. Facing a persistent margin compression challenge just to maintain their RoEs, banks have started adopting new digital tools (e.g. Machine Learning, Big Data, Robotic Process Automation (RPA), etc.), and can now make a meaningful dent in the Cost Income ratios of banks to improve their returns.
So if you are a CIO, what is your role in driving Digitisation as a Leader?
I would like to share three key lessons based on experience and exposure in the recent past:
These Leadership challenges require sustained effort from the top-of-the-house and by CIOs. It may be tempting to declare victory too soon based on some front-end customer channel experience while the rest of the organisation has not changed culturally or where processes have not been transformed. Sustaining requires energy, communicating wins and rewarding behaviours.
Technology changes every Monday morning. Therefore, Organisational support for Lifelong Learning is extremely important – for business leaders & their staff alike. One of the notions I have recently encountered is that Leadership is too important to be left to the bosses. Continuing self-education is a great example where, in some organizations the 50-yearolds are charged with deciding what the 20-somethings should be learning! Actually, in this increasingly digital age, the reverse holds true. The question for CIOs is to ask if the organisational hierarchy is an enabler or is it a blocker for self-learning.
We learned along the way that Data is more important than Platforms. CIOs can and should shift their perspectives to Data as much as to new age technologies. Cleaning all possible Data inputs is another key aspect for successful digitisation initiatives. What we have realised in the course of our own efforts –and it is no surprise really - is that robots demand clean data to be effective – so a lot of the work involves streamlining the process, so that the outcomes exceed expectations.
CIOs are busy trying to figure out implications and opportunities of Distributed Ledgers. Actually, from a cultural standpoint, I read that Distributed Leadership is more important than Distributed Ledgers. The traditional attributes of Company Leadership models over the last several decades, such as hierarchical power, corner offices, fancy titles, authority of position and so forth, will soon make way for what may be called ‘Distributed Leadership”. This pushes leadership at all levels because, unlike in the past, knowledge is now distributed, not concentrated. As a CIO, how you enable this change is a tough challenge.
To summarize, I am firmly convinced that the external context of banks will mean that CIOs have an even larger role to play in leading digital change. Clearly, there are many different ways of doing so, and I have shared the three main approaches which could be adopted to bring about the much-needed change: Strategic alignment, Cultural change and prioritised investments in Digital tools.