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ABB Works With Customers And Partners To Create Custom-tailored Digital Solutions

Tuesday, 19 November 2024

ABB is currently establishing ABB Ability Customer Experience (ACE) Centres in Bangalore, Ladenburg, and Houston. At ACE showrooms, ABB demonstrates a wide variety of solutions and interactive exhibits that shine the spotlight on the potential of digital applications. At the ACE Centres, customer sites for the first time ever at this year’s Hannover Fair – ABB offers “Co-Creation Workshops” for customers.

The rise in digitalization will not only change products and solutions, it will also alter collaboration with customers. With its new ABB Ability customers Experience (ACE) Program, ABB actively supports its customers throughout the digital transformation, enabling them to take advantage of all the opportunities digitalization has to offer.

Co-Creation stands for: Working together to bring about something that is entirely innovative. Customers can transform their ideas into digital solutions with design thinking-based methods and highly-qualified specialists from many of ABB’s businesses. ABB works with customers to tailor the workshops to specific industries, topics and assignments.

Co-Creation: Working together create something that is entirely innovative for the digital transformation

“We want to change the quality of communication with our customers. To offer them competent, sustainable support throughout the digital transformation, we believe it is important to engage and involve them early on and enable them to experience everything that ABB Ability has to offer first hand. Then we work together to develop powerful solutions that deliver customers true added value,” emphasizes Tim Scanlon, who heads the global ACE program. “A Co-Creation Workshop is a dialog based on trust, inspired by curiosity and driven by the desire to learn together. The ACE concept can help us better understand customer requirements and address them in a targeted way,” adds Fabian Hess, who heads up the ACE in Ladenburg near Heidelberg, Germany.

The first objective is to examine and understand the current situation from a range of different perspectives in Co-Creation Workshops. Ideas and requirements are outlined and further specified, tested and evaluated in follow-up meetings. ABB works with the customer to define follow-up plans as a deliverable of the Co-Creation Workshops from the initial idea all the way to the concrete digital solution – ABB and the customer travel this path together as a team, hand in hand.

Digital technology has been a part of ABB’s DNA for decades

ABB Ability an integrated industrial Internet platform and cloud infrastructure – is ABB’s solution to help businesses enhance their performance, productivity, efficiency and security across the entire operating life cycle. Around 45 percent of all new ABB orders include digital solutions. ABB is a pioneering technology leader in digitalization: For over 40 years ABB has equipped devices and systems with software and interfaces that ensure smooth operation. This high level of expertise, paired with a broad installed base in around 20 different industry sectors provide a solid foundation for ABB Ability to build on.


